¿Cuidas bien de tu salud? Compruébalo con nuestro Test

Desde el punto de vista de la naturopatía, cuidar la salud es hacer todo lo necesario para recuperar el estado previo a una enfermedad, evitarla y mantenerse equilibrado. Y siempre considerando el conjunto físico, psíquico y emocional. El propósito es eliminar la causa del desequilibrio y volver a lo natural. Objetivos en el cuidado de la salud: 1º, recuperarla; 2º, … Continue reading

Brain food: to stimulate your return to work or school

Returning to work or school, after the long Summer and holidays, it can often raise a challenge to our brain which got used to a slower pace. Our brain needs to be nourished with the right nutrients to help it function best. Additionally, some Brain foods also have anti-inflammatory properties. Imaging taking something that actually helps with your pains and … Continue reading

Welcome to Nature’s EQ!


Every goal and dream we chase, becomes our aim to put our efforts and emphasis to give  shape and make it happen. “Welcome to Nature’s EQ” is the title of this beginning, where we have directed so much energy and enthusiasm to make it happen. Mi name is Silvia Candamil Neira and Nature’s EQ is my lifetime goal. For the … Continue reading