Natural anti-ageing methods


Ageing inevitably accelerates with time and some of the biggest international companies concentrate on bringing to the market creams and products which claim to bring back our youth. However, we can help to slow down the ageing process by reducing or cutting certain habits or foods in our lives, which have been directly related to an increase risk in free … Continue reading

How to get rid of back pain naturally

dolor de espalda

Back pain is the 3rd most common reason to visit your GP after coughs and colds. It is a chronic common problem or symptom experienced by most people at some point in their lives normally due to pregnancy, bad posture, exercise, overweight, nutritional deficiency, ageing or stress. First of all, you must get assessed by a professional to find where … Continue reading

Welcome to Nature’s EQ!


Every goal and dream we chase, becomes our aim to put our efforts and emphasis to give  shape and make it happen. “Welcome to Nature’s EQ” is the title of this beginning, where we have directed so much energy and enthusiasm to make it happen. Mi name is Silvia Candamil Neira and Nature’s EQ is my lifetime goal. For the … Continue reading